Monday, October 15, 2007

the results are in...

And it's a boy!  Everything looks great and my due date was officially moved up from the 27th of February to the 23rd.  The twig and berries look really weird on the ultrasound, but much different than the three little lines from last time :)

The ultrasound guy said I will probably have to have another one a little later so they can get a clearer picture of the heart.  Everything looks fine, he was just having trouble getting a clear still shot of all four chambers.  They are there though.  Phew.  So is the brain.  Hopefully this will put an end to all those weird dreams I've been having.

Now much to do...boy names to research, paint to pick out, girl clothes find a new home for (yes!)... and let the bargain shopping begin!

I can't believe I am going to have a son.  What a tremendous blessing!


Bridget Beth said...

YAY! Boys are so much fun! Congratulations.

tiffany jeanne said...

I KNEW it! Kory and I have been checking your blog every hour since he got home today. He called me upstairs and said, guess what it is? I said, Boy! And he said, I don't know she hasn't posted yet. I'm glad I found out first! ha ha ha. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

How exciting. Another grandson on the way. He and Erik will have a
great time together. Marcus must
be pretty happy. See you saturday.
Give Bradie a big hug for me.
Love ya,
Grandma Sally Johnson

laurab said...

Congrats Marcus & Sara! A true blessing indeed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Boys are wonderful...

Mark and Lori said...

It is the year of the boys! And yes, what do we do with these girl clothes???? Congrat's! Lori

Anonymous said...

Happy! Happy!

Cara Grube :) said...

Congratulations Sara! If he's half as cute as Bradie, you're going to have quite the lady's man on your hands! Ü

Yay for twig and berries!!