Monday, June 8, 2009


If you haven't, please check out Amber and Andrew's Blog about THEIR son, Levi!

So tonight my walk was one of celebration. And the brown bunny was back again in his powerline meadow, enjoying a fuchsia sun sinking into the horizon.

I am still smiling! Here's to believing God!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

stop and smell my blog

I just went on a four mile sunset walk. Why this is my first one of the season is an embarrassment and a mystery. But my swollen heart finally forced me out to pound the pavement and sing praise. Sometimes the praise was in my heart and sometimes it slipped out. The brown bunny that lives in the blackberry bushes near my house may have heard me.

Sometimes I feel so giddy with God that I girlish... what is the word I seek here? So with all the responsibilities of my life I don't have chances to chase these feelings, to dwell in them, to turn my cheek up and out to receive that holy kiss unique to these sweet moments. But tonight I did.

My thoughts kept coming back to a sweet little boy I met a few weeks ago, without a home, without a mommy and a daddy to cherish him. I stared at that little face, dumbfounded... God where is his mommy?! I could kick my heels still thinking about this little boy NOW- placed by the hand of the Father into a home with a mom and a dad to LOVE him!

And now with the same exuberance of faith I am praying along with so many others for another little boy. He's waiting. In an orphanage. In Ethiopia. And my friends are waiting here for him, their arms empty but full of a kind of faith that seems excruciating and beautiful all at once. The hinge here is locating the birth mom. I know her name and I pray for her everyday, that she is okay, that she is blessed, that God's angels have her surrounded and will lead her to a place where the people that need to locate her can.

He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save...
Author of Salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

It can be done.