Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I don't usually do this, but Ellen is kind of a blogger hero of mine and I know she'll appreciate a food post.

Half the batch looks like this...

And half look proper like this... please ignore the Life cereal peaking out :)
Man! This dough is crumbly! Not that I was expecting pie pastry but WOW! I kept thinking I should have added more fat, or a splash of milk or another egg... but they taste pretty good. Maybe its the whole wheat flour. Hindsight internet research has shown me my missteps that I can rectify if I ever make this again.

I kind of like these alot....trying not to OD on the prune puree!

Also Ellen, I would like to know what your favorite companion book is to P&P. I'd love to read some professional analysis. Cheers!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Beau's first Oreo!
We went on a hike this past, glorious Saturday. The temperature was perfect, Beau took a morning nap, Bradie was wearing pants... the only hitch in our giddy-up was that we were about 4 weeks early for this hike. Our car couldn't even make it to the trail head because of some deep snow patches tucked into the remaining spring shade. We walked for a while and then hit a snow FIELD and had to turn around. Some hardcore-types told us they used snow shoes for that section. Oh well, it was still a great day meandering on the Mountain Loop highway along the (stillaguamish?) river.

On our way up some glimpse of the north cascades would come into view and I would excitedly point them out to Bradie. Appreciation for beautiful mountains was instilled in me by my parents. That and also birds of prey... yes I am the crazy lady swerving on the freeway because she's sure that's a bald eagle circling overhead! Seriously my mom has lived in Gig Harbor for almost 35 years and she will still tell me "you should have seen the mountain today!" I love it.

After I hustled this post I consumed some How I Met Your Mother and finished my Esther study. I was so inspired that I traipsed (in the dark too, and silently, like a ninja) downstairs and did the prep for Hamantashen, or Haman's hat. Yes, I am two months late for Purim. Yes, I am a Gentile. But Beth Moore has this recipe in the back of her book and I am weak when it comes to NOT trying something new that I have all the ingredients for! I even had prunes! (I tried to tell my anti-pooping daughter that they were giant raisins. No dice.) I am excited to do the cookie cutting and prune butter placing while explaining to Bradie about how God delivered his people from the wicked Haman. Haman was hanged on a gallows he prepared for Mordecai, an upstanding Jew. There's that saying about eating your hat and all.

On an unrelated note: I have been really into Pride and Prejudice lately. I watch segments here and there. I cannot get enough of this story. The night before last I paused during a scene so I could explain a theory to Marcus about why Caroline Bingley is such a nastigram. I was very into my analysis and I am sure you can picture his incredulous look. I informed him that this is like how Star Wars is to some people and my enthusiasm is healthy. Or maybe I need to find a new book to read.

But I just cannot get over the grace. The unearned, self-sacrificing covering over is transcendently romantic to me. I catch my breath every time. So it is much more to me than Colin Firth and his bedroom eyes. So roll your eyes world (Marcus?!) but P&P is here to stay!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I reckon you don't know the Sheriff of Cute. Beware folks he's not a crooked cop but he does have his price... bananas, yogurt and your cell phone might save your life should you dare to cross him. Here's a rare shot of him in his birthday uni. After the bottom photo was captured he actually said to me:

"Lady, you take one more shot of me and I will unload on this couch that is a promise!"

It is serious, Chuck Norris-grade cuteness.
There are so many things lately that have crossed my life and mind that I found myself saying to, uh, myself pay attention this is excellent blogfodder. All sorts of quips and nuggets... maybe I do need an iPod touch to record these wims... just kidding, Marcus!

First an update: Thanks to my dear husband and Maggie's frequently flying aunt, I was able to go to Spokane by myself a couple of weeks ago. There I met and snuggled the sweet Lucy baby. SO precious! But even more important I got spend many uninterrupted hours conversing with my dear Maggie. I always walk away from time with her enlightened and blessed- she has a great deal of wisdom and wonderful stories that she never seems too busy to share with me. I could go on and on about Maggie, but I might start to get a little sad that we are so far apart and flood the keyboard!

So what about today? The men folk in our small group decided to play some hoops and take the kids with them! A couple of the corresponding ladies and myself dined at a quaint restaurant in Snohomish and did some meandering. I didn't have to help either one of them finish their breakfasts nor watch them like hawks while in the antique stores- I can't tell you what I treat that is!

Then Marcus replaced one of our back gutters. This is huge. The old gutter produced a drip that sounded like a Barbie was outside hanging pictures in her dream house ALL NIGHT LONG! He had invaluable help from one of the men folk, Troy and I was able to make a dairy free Boston Cream Pie which is actually quite tasty. In case you are curious (Deena!) soy milk custard sets up quite nicely, although soy milked cakes STILL taste dry to me. Whatever. That chocolate top makes up for it. Marcus also found a screen door that fits our back slider and I will most likely have to give up my summer sport of fly swatting to actually scrap book or use my sewing machine.

Oh and Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there! I guess this made up holiday's not SO bad.
