While supervising Bradie at Lundeen Park, I heard a barely four-year-old use the "F" word twice. He was going to use it a third but I cut him off with an abrupt "Eeeeexcuse me?" Same park, a little while later, a young man observed my daughter as we walked by to our car. In a sort of accent he proclaimed that Bradie was going to be a ganster. As he pimplimped away I didn't have the courage or energy to tell him that he was indeed a white boy.
All that aside, Lake Stevens possesses some of my favorite old friends and a darn good teryaki place called Midori. It also has a Target and some other treasures I am sure. Sarcastic complaining closed.
Good night.
Oh and for those who might care I am now immersed in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Late I know, but that Rowling woman is BRILLIANT!