And we're back in the game! Thank you Marcus for giving the people what they want :) Check this kid out. I don't know what possessed me to snap these in all Beau's sweet potato glory, but he was just so happy I had to. Good toother shot there as well. Beau is a healthy guy per the PA at his 9 month check up. He is 22 percentile for weight, 60th for length and 42 for head circumference. I did a little comparison and at this age, he is a 1/2 inch taller and about a pound heavier than Bradie was at nine months. And before we left the house for the appointment, Beau climbed over half way up my stairs! This kid is a go-getter, literally.
The other half of our doctor extravaganza week was not so stellar...we have been assigned to 6 more weeks of sleep with the Dennis Brown bar. Yuck. On the bright side, Beau will not ever need any surgical intervention as he is still very flexible (and hello? climbing?!) The doctor said another six weeks is all it should take and then we'll probably have to do some straight last shoes for walking. Then he will attend the University of Alabama and score many touchdowns, run across the country a few times, fall into unrequited love and get shot in the butt and...wait a second...
Run! Beau! Run!
Never have sweet potatoes looked so cute! :) He certainly is a handsome little man...potato face and all! xoxo
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