To OUR friend, Tiny Pink Blankie:
thank you for the timeless snuggles even after you became scratchy when mommy washed you with Oxi Clean.
You were our favorite pretend prop, excellent for swaddling dollies and monkeys as well as being held in place with a crown when we play "married".
You smelled like morning breath that ONLY a mother can love.
You made parenting easier when the overtired stage was reached.
You were privvy to the Tokio weigh station jokes and our stops at the Moses Lake Burger King.
You watched Fairytopia and Clifford with her when I couldn't bear to.
I know it never hurt your feelings when people
joked about how stinky and pathetic you became.
I like to think at the final resurrection you will show up fresh, and a true Pink
that will never fade :)
You never really got what the big deal was about that baby anyway...
Can you believe that I, a grown woman, am weeping as I type this? I'm not sure I am cut out for this parenting gig... to see your child heart broken feels unbearable. And this about a BLANKET for crying out loud! What the heck I am going to do as Bradie gets older and the stakes get higher?!
Out the window it went on the interstate. Marcus and I both did a down and back over the suspected section, but no luck. Numbly I drove Bradie and myself to Edmonds to a baby boutique. I was out of my mind and should have just went to Target here but I had to look myself...
The amazing blessing is that she is really doing okay. We are on night #2 and she even took a nap today with our new replacement. But momma knows. She's a little off. So know I pray and watch and talk if she wants to, I suppose. I'm a little sad I won't be able to pull the thing out when she's 20 and embarrass her with its funk and dingyness...
So with all deaths, even minideaths that we'll most likely chuckle over someday, I am looking for the teachable moment. Maybe Bradie will understand in a deeper way the father's heart as he gazes over his land, looking for his wayward son in the distance.