Sunday, March 28, 2010

"What?! Put my sucker down so I can take a nap?! Ahahahahah... you crazy mama!" Also, possibly, "hey check out these two year molar beasts...they are partly the reason for my angst and mood swings."
Monkey see, monkey do. Beau now is quite sophisticated at mimicking his sister. Fascinating. Frustrating. Adorable.

Bradie has never had as much candy since the advent of preschool. In other news, these people now share a room! This is a really big deal for all of us...I thought I would NEVER be ready for this! But on Friday afternoon, I commissioned Marcus and his set of allen wrenches and we moved Beau in! We are on night three, so far so good. Beau even woke up with a fussy fever and Bradie ran out of water last night. Bradie has been very sweet as I have noticed her catch herself several times to change her speech to say "our" room. And I am proud of me- it is hard as woman and a mother to give up control.

Several people have asked if it is for the "new baby". Right now it is for me. It is about giving it up. I have had doubts this weekend here and there, wondering if it is a mistake, but that is so silly and worrisome- millions of people around the world sleep in one room and even in one bed! My two and four year old can certainly share a room. Will they hate it? Sometimes, but it will be but a breath and we will make the switch again I'm sure. Its so hard sometimes as a mom to keep the big picture in mind as you spend day in and day out with these needy, sometimes demented people. It's easy to forget that many of their tears and woes and trials are simple character builders. And to swoop in with permissiveness or rage robs them of a chance to grow just a little bit. Whoa, rant much?

We had our interview and it went well, I think. We should no soon if we are "in".
Nine candles are all we had but it is appropriate for my 29th birthday, I think. It was a spice cake with vanilla frosting made by Marcus. Spice cake is a close second to chocolate, but I am off the sauce for a while due to a self-imposed chocolate hiatus. Appropriate I suppose as this is the beginning of Holy Week- to pause and remember my fallen, addictive, selfish and distracted nature and remember the Holy One who died for us all. Good, good stuff.

Anything else? Ah yes. I scrubbed my kitchen floor today and found an intact, unsprouted head of garlic, hid just so, right behind a leg of the microwave cart. Score!


tiffany jeanne said...

oh sara. i could read your blog for hours. i laughed (out loud at work) when you said demented while referring to children....i prayed the other night that the Lord would exocise Avery's demon and i'm not kidding. :)

miss you, girl. and again, happy birthday.

tiffany jeanne said...

ok. that sounded bad. she doesn't have a demon. but man, that girl has some spirit. :)

ellen b. said...

I shared a room with my older brother for a few years growing up. Love the line about remembering the Holy One this week and boy do we need that Holy One! Blessings on all your Easter celebrations...

Teri said...

Oh Sara I hope your kids look back at shareing a room some day and say, ahhh those were the days. My kids LOVED it. When they went to bed they would not get scared because the other one was right there. Sometimes we would have to tell them multiple times to be quiet and go to sleep. I think it really helps them grow closer. We'll pray that it goes as well for yours.
Teri Idler
PS I enjoy your blog very much