Monday, May 18, 2009

Beau's first Oreo!
We went on a hike this past, glorious Saturday. The temperature was perfect, Beau took a morning nap, Bradie was wearing pants... the only hitch in our giddy-up was that we were about 4 weeks early for this hike. Our car couldn't even make it to the trail head because of some deep snow patches tucked into the remaining spring shade. We walked for a while and then hit a snow FIELD and had to turn around. Some hardcore-types told us they used snow shoes for that section. Oh well, it was still a great day meandering on the Mountain Loop highway along the (stillaguamish?) river.

On our way up some glimpse of the north cascades would come into view and I would excitedly point them out to Bradie. Appreciation for beautiful mountains was instilled in me by my parents. That and also birds of prey... yes I am the crazy lady swerving on the freeway because she's sure that's a bald eagle circling overhead! Seriously my mom has lived in Gig Harbor for almost 35 years and she will still tell me "you should have seen the mountain today!" I love it.

After I hustled this post I consumed some How I Met Your Mother and finished my Esther study. I was so inspired that I traipsed (in the dark too, and silently, like a ninja) downstairs and did the prep for Hamantashen, or Haman's hat. Yes, I am two months late for Purim. Yes, I am a Gentile. But Beth Moore has this recipe in the back of her book and I am weak when it comes to NOT trying something new that I have all the ingredients for! I even had prunes! (I tried to tell my anti-pooping daughter that they were giant raisins. No dice.) I am excited to do the cookie cutting and prune butter placing while explaining to Bradie about how God delivered his people from the wicked Haman. Haman was hanged on a gallows he prepared for Mordecai, an upstanding Jew. There's that saying about eating your hat and all.

On an unrelated note: I have been really into Pride and Prejudice lately. I watch segments here and there. I cannot get enough of this story. The night before last I paused during a scene so I could explain a theory to Marcus about why Caroline Bingley is such a nastigram. I was very into my analysis and I am sure you can picture his incredulous look. I informed him that this is like how Star Wars is to some people and my enthusiasm is healthy. Or maybe I need to find a new book to read.

But I just cannot get over the grace. The unearned, self-sacrificing covering over is transcendently romantic to me. I catch my breath every time. So it is much more to me than Colin Firth and his bedroom eyes. So roll your eyes world (Marcus?!) but P&P is here to stay!


ellen b. said...

So how did that recipe turn out? Amen to P&P being here to stay. Have you seen some of the companion books that have been written?

tiffany jeanne said...

:) Love it!

tiffany jeanne said...

PS. Did Beau do the moany thing while eating that Oreo? I wouldn't blame him if he had. I love Oreos.